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Canteen payment

Good service combined with secure payment

  1. Operation or self-service is supported in the same solution
  2. Employees can use a payment card, their own ID card or pay via salary.
  3. IDC Canteen system supports vending machines.

IDC Canteen System is one of the most modern and well-developed canteen systems on the market today. The system supports both operation and self-service in the same hardware. The actual maintenance of product groups and updating of prices takes place decentrally from the canteen manager's own computer.

Payment can be made in different ways - with his card, the employee can either "refuel" via a website, pay via his salary or via a terminal in the canteen. Of course, regular debit cards are also supported.

IDC Canteen System also has a series of dedicated hardware that can incorporate both vending machines and self-service scales - which are ideal for settling, for example, the salad bar or the entire buffet, whose self-service is important for flexibility in the canteen.

Is your current canteen system network-based so that the company's HR system and your employee card are integrated? Can your employees "refuel" via the website? If not, then it's time to take a closer look at IDC Canteen System. Call or write. We are happy to demonstrate the canteen system of the future.

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